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How to Use Social Media to Get People to Check Out your Content

posted by Michael Epps Utley Michael Epps Utley
Dodgeball seo social media engagement

You don’t need to be reminded that people on social media aren’t very focused. How often are you doing other things like commuting, waiting in line, working out at the gym, or talking on the phone while scrolling? It probably takes a bright, exceptional, unusual, or just plain wacky image to get you to stop, take notice, and click.

Funky photos shouldn’t be the only tactic you use to get people to check out your content.

Think about it: when you stop for an image, you usually check out the text to find out more. If the text in the post doesn’t move you, you move on.

If you’re not optimizing the texts in your posts, you’re wasting time and money on your content marketing and social promotion efforts.

This article will explain how to write posts that get even the most unfocused social media scrollers to stop and take action.

How to Write a Great Social Media Post

Highlight the Popularity of Your Content

This tactic leverages FOMO (fear of missing out), one of the most potent social media motivators.

Posts that reveal the popularity of your content (true or not) make social scrollers want to see what all the fuss is about. People on social media won’t want to miss content that others found truly informative and valuable.

By promoting a piece of content as the best, most liked, top visited, or most shareable, you’ll make people curious to see what others found so engaging. However, don’t use this tactic with a piece of dud content. You’ll lose the trust of your social media followers and the people you promote your content to.

Promote a “Bonus” Within the Content

This tactic is a lot like the old “gift with purchase” department stores use to bring in shoppers. Leverage it to attract readers and viewers to your content.

Include a message in your post that tells people a valuable bonus included in the content. The bonus could be anything from free templates to a checklist to a tool that helps them do their job better. The offer should be something valuable enough to get people to click. Make sure the bonus is something that readers or viewers will genuinely like. If you disappoint them, they may never click on one of your posts again.

Reveal the Table of Contents

If your content is complex and you’re finding it hard to explain its value, consider including all or part of a table of contents (or subheads) in your social post. This is a good tactic for academic and technical content. It offers complete transparency and allows people in social media to decide whether the content will be of value to them.

Write With Personality

Many social post writers are so focused on shortness and conciseness, they strip post messages of any personality. While social media content must be concise, it can’t be bland. Always make sure your posts sparkle with personality and reflect your brand’s tone and voice. People on socials will be more likely to click on a post that they feel is talking to them and not just conveying information. Make it a point to write as you speak.

Avoid Errors

Nothing keeps people from clicking like an error, whether it’s factual, spelling, or punctuation. Posts may be short, but it’s always worth having a second set of eyes check them before they go out.

Cite Something from the Content in the Post

Is there a fact, figure, or quote in your content that made you stop and think twice? The same will probably be true for people on social media. If there’s something in your content they haven’t seen elsewhere, call it out in your post. They’ll likely want to find out more. It’s a particularly valuable tactic if your content contains original research or was written by an interesting writer.

Explain Why Social Media Scrollers Should Care About Your Content

This is social media 101. In as short, simple, clear, and compelling way as possible, explain to your followers and the people you’re targeting in social media why they must read or view your content. In other words, tell them what’s in it for them. This is a tactic that’s as old as social media, which has stood the test of time. It’s an oldie that’s definitely a goodie.

Tag or Target Your Sources

If your content is authored by someone well-known or includes information from a respected organization, hashtag them in your post or target them when you boost your post. It will make it more likely that people associated with the author or organization will see your post. They’ll likely want to check out your content because of their interest in the author or organization.

Speak Directly to the People You’re Targeting

You know your buyer persona, including the character traits, motivations, fears, and frustrations of the people in your target audience. Keep these things in mind when you write your social posts. Speaking directly to your consumers and addressing the things in their minds will make it more likely they’ll click and check out your content.

Rewrite Your Posts and Try Different Variations on Them

No single post is suitable for everyone. And you’re not going to get every post right the first time out. The good thing about social media is that it’s short, easy to write, cheap, and disposable. Plus, you can learn something new from every post you do. Continually monitor results, including clicks, likes, and shares. Use this information to do more of what’s working and less of what’s not. These little social clues are how the people in your target tell you whether you’re being social or antisocial in social media.

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